
Bukit Batok EC To Be Highly Sought After by Investors

Bukit Batok EC is a 99-year leasehold executive condominium located on the east side of Bukit Batok West Avenue. It is close to the Jurong Innovation District and Tengah Town. The development is expected to yield 375 executive condominium units on a 1.24 hectare site. It is slated for completion in 2021. In June, a bidding war was held for the EC development. In total, six bidders swung for the development.

The location of Bukit Batok EC is a big selling point. It is close to the Jurong East MRT station, as well as several shopping malls. Furthermore, it is close to the Pan-Island Expressway and several established schools. These factors help make it an ideal location for investors. It also provides great convenience for families who want to live in the area for a long time.

The Bukit Batok EC is a long-term residential project that is a hybrid …

Why Developers are Interested in Former Park Mansios Condo

Park View Mansions is a former park mansios condo

A former park mansions condo site is up for sale in the city. The site has a gross plot ratio of 2.1 and is zoned for residential use. Its owners are planning to sell the site in a collective sale. Their aim is to redevelop the property. The site is located in the Jurong Lake District, near Lakeside MRT station. The developer expects to sell the site for at least $320 million in collective sales. It will also spend about $157 million to intensify the land and extend the lease for 99 years.

The new owners of Park View Mansions are planning to redevelop the former estate. They will build a new residential complex on the site. They are also planning to sell off some units, but the majority of the property will be retained by the new owners. They expect …